One Hundred Years of Solitude on an unGodly Earth – part 1: the existential loneliness

Caution – I have not penned an ode to Gabriel García Márquez’ downright magnum opus (if you wish me to soft-soap this tremendous author in an abundance of superlatives, I’d gladly be your guest). Before you send me to the gallows, I might be able to offer you a Mad Tea Party as a substitute. The guest list consists of Alice, Frankenstein, and later on Brave New World’s cast and Nietzsche will join us. Caution again – a certain Hatter and March Hare are not invited to this kind of tea party.

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Little Miss Sunshine as critique on neoliberalism

I can still remember the first time I saw Little Miss Sunshine. Let’s say I was still in my pre-adolescent phase: naive, innocent but already unknowingly influenced by the big beauty  industry. Every time my mother took me to the newsstand, I couldn’t help myself from secretly peeking at those glossy magazines with beautiful women on the front page. I was determined that, when I was grown up, I would be just like them: tall, slim, blond, a white smile, the perfect makeup , not a single roll, not a single milligram of fat would cover my body.
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