Deadpool – About Hugh Jackman and strap-ons

On Valentine’s weekend 2016, the world changed. Ryan Reynolds, Tim Miller and countless fans got their way. Deadpool premiered in movie theaters and it was all unicorns and cocaine from there on out. Today, God decided to finally give us a sign of his existence, and the sequel to this first miracle was officially confirmed.

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Little Miss Sunshine as critique on neoliberalism

I can still remember the first time I saw Little Miss Sunshine. Let’s say I was still in my pre-adolescent phase: naive, innocent but already unknowingly influenced by the big beauty  industry. Every time my mother took me to the newsstand, I couldn’t help myself from secretly peeking at those glossy magazines with beautiful women on the front page. I was determined that, when I was grown up, I would be just like them: tall, slim, blond, a white smile, the perfect makeup , not a single roll, not a single milligram of fat would cover my body.
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Diversity in a galaxy far, far away

Before you read this, I want to state, for the record, that The Force Awakens was fucking awesome. It was amazing in so many ways. I’ve spent way too much money on seeing it (several times) in the movie theatre, and I’ll gladly do it again. The plot was amazing and I cannot wait for Episode XIII. For you three of four poor souls who didn’t enjoy the gift that is Star Wars, it is best to turn away now, because this post will be one big fangirl moment. Lees verder “Diversity in a galaxy far, far away”