One Hundred Years of Solitude on an unGodly Earth – part 1: the existential loneliness

Caution – I have not penned an ode to Gabriel García Márquez’ downright magnum opus (if you wish me to soft-soap this tremendous author in an abundance of superlatives, I’d gladly be your guest). Before you send me to the gallows, I might be able to offer you a Mad Tea Party as a substitute. The guest list consists of Alice, Frankenstein, and later on Brave New World’s cast and Nietzsche will join us. Caution again – a certain Hatter and March Hare are not invited to this kind of tea party.

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Slavoj Žižek or the Elvis of cultural theory

He started out as a right-wing conservative, then he took a big turn to the left and now he is a self-proclaimed communist. Not only is Žižek one of the most influential philosophers of this age, he’s also a psychoanalyst so he is definitely one to watch. He fits perfectly in the stereotypical image we all have of a philosopher:  he’s chaotic, easily excited in a discussion and most of all he’s quite a comic. With Sophie Fiennes he made two extremely amusing and funny movies called ‘A Pervert’s Guide to Ideology’ and ‘A Pervert’s Guide to Cinema’ in which he analyses cult classics such as ‘A Clockwork Orange’, ’If…’, ‘The Great Dictator’ and ‘The Exorcist’ using his marxist and psychoanalytic background.

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